
Showing posts from December, 2019

Nikki... Its time

"I have no expectations...only control over how I want to feel, so no matter what happens...I'll have a great time"....these were the final few words of Shilow heading towards her deathbed. And I know it takes a long to realise this...a way too long than we could probably imagine. But the fact is U don't have to. Don't make the way for happiness such difficult. After these last few days I've realised that happiness doesn't not have a source it's a belief. U have to believe that everything happens for good and U'll see it happening. U have to believe that only u are ur favorite companion and U'll then start enjoying your company and that's a great feeling mark my words. Secondly U've to believe that those who are with U are the best U can ever have, becoz THEY REALLY ARE...this I should not mention U know it already...U've to believe that some bhatakti aatmayein only exist as example of what to avoid and let it happen..don't ce...