
Showing posts from 2019

Nikki... Its time

"I have no expectations...only control over how I want to feel, so no matter what happens...I'll have a great time"....these were the final few words of Shilow heading towards her deathbed. And I know it takes a long to realise this...a way too long than we could probably imagine. But the fact is U don't have to. Don't make the way for happiness such difficult. After these last few days I've realised that happiness doesn't not have a source it's a belief. U have to believe that everything happens for good and U'll see it happening. U have to believe that only u are ur favorite companion and U'll then start enjoying your company and that's a great feeling mark my words. Secondly U've to believe that those who are with U are the best U can ever have, becoz THEY REALLY ARE...this I should not mention U know it already...U've to believe that some bhatakti aatmayein only exist as example of what to avoid and let it happen..don't ce...

My first day at school

Today was the first day of my school. A 7 year old child came to me in morning and said "Welcome Sir". That is the best morning you can ever have. I cannot even explain it to myself that how a person as introvert as me can love standing in front of class filled with children, children screaming, dancing, and making their best efforts to annoy the hell out of you. I reached my school, I joined my duty,  and was given 5th standard as our incharge sir thought that I would not be able to handle too young children.  I entered my class and was welcomed with the traditional hymn, "Gooooooood Mooooooorning Teeeaacher".  Before today day I had never seen in a Municipal school. 90% of students were not in their school dress, and many were looking like they barely had taken a shower today. Four children were fighting over seats, one on the front bench was staring me like anything. Few didn't even notice me.  Well, it was attendance time and we decided to have a twist today...


And there he goes again 🤍  Riding his own thoughts...down the memory lane 🤍  Revisiting his own decisions and escaping shame 🤍  Though he knows that it's ever so beautiful to be strange  🤍  To do things differently than others 🤍  To see things in a rare light 🤍  To have exactly 'NO' claims 🤍  He know that God is watching him...and all around him 🤍  He knows that he's strange and He'll never regret being the same 🤍 To him that is such a gold to carry 🤍

The incident that changed me

When I was in fifth standard my teacher once told the class that Books are our best friends. But unfortunately I took a leave from school that day. Might be acting like I've pain in my stomach or back or I am not sure. But surely I was having nothing but a zeal to miss as many classes I can. I had a crush on Powerpuff Girls particularly on Bubbles: the one with blonde hair. I used to spend hours watching them, fantasizing that one day I will join the team. But that day didn't come. I kept fantasizing and my studies kept flying.  My school was till fifth standard only, so search for the new school kick started. I gave entrance tests in numerous schools but nobody asks questions on Powerpuff Girls, not even Johnny Bravo, though he was also quite good . And I kept on failing. From Public to funded schools, nobody was ready to accept my unnatural intelligence. And I never understood it. Visiting new schools was becoming a routine. My Mummy used to have moist eyes every time while h...