A letter to myself.
Hello Ashu
This is me, your best friend, your own self. How are u doing?
Wait I know how you are. Isn't it stupid. I mean just look at your face. Look at your fingers. You are writing a letter for yourself by yourself. Tell me one thing, how are you going to give it to you, by post or by hand. Well! Leave it. BTW Happy Birthday. I know not many of your friends remembered the date. But I do. Love you. Finally you spent another year doing nothing. Well done. Keep it up.
Tell me one thing. You wasted this year by yourself. No one did it on your behalf. Then why are you even thinking of it? Are you sad? Really? Oh. Don't tell me. You just smiled like an egg-head idiot while listening to holy chants of "Happy Birthday to you...bla...bla...God don't give a damn to you...bla...bla...". You can't be feeling small. You just had a treat of yourself turning one year older. You know what! Actually I am feeling small for what you are doing.
If you don't remember, let me help you. You let down your Mom she caught you making bunks and partying. You let down Neelam Ma'am when she finds that you left that damn college. You let down yourself for not giving your best in graduation last year. You left KV just because of your damn stupid depressed reasons. Moreover, you just cried some days back for the reason not to be made public. Accept if. You are stupid. You can do nothing. You are a failure, a black mark on my face.
I can no longer walk with this black mark. No one will be enlightened to see it, not even you. Remember two things.....
First, Don't owe any useless bullshit from now onward and second please don't take any useless bullshit from today onward. Believe me, its the main reason of all this. You might have done better in your grades if this Cyber bullshittery had not existed. If you had not been indulged in this airy fairy stupidity of smartness, you might not have left the college. Else you know what I mean. Its all inside you. I am inside you, your consciousness, your sense of judgement, everything's inside you. So keep quiet and listen to the better side of you.
Have this letter enveloped and keep this in your mind. Your dreams matter.
