Valentine's Gift

My Mummy once asked me about Valentine's Day. I bring her a rose and said "I love you". She looked at me like I was not hers. Surprisingly she said, " Ke h yo" (What's this), but this is how it is. From that Valentine's Day onwards I give her a Rose on this day every year and she do the same on my birthday. 
This is my life. 
Coming to the point, This year I decided to gift something different to them. Being inspired from Pinterest, I bought a moulding clay kit to cast their hands. But the real task was to convince them to do it. 
It took almost an hour to convince my Papa for doing this. Finally he agreed. But then my Mom pulled her face. That's the problem of our parents. They wanted to do it, but they don't want anyone to know that they wanted to do it.
But somehow I succeed. 
Now pressure was on me and Nikki to pull this off. It was our first and last attempt and it had to work. 
We prayed and did this best possible. And it was nikki who had the responsibility of getting it out. And her big, bushy, unskilled, nasty hands were making things more complicated. This didn't go as we expected. The base broke down, but fingers were still there. 
I asked world's best artist my Sister to advice on color and she made it true. 
It was ready. On Valentine's day I gave it to my Dad and his reaction was "Theek bangya".... This theek.... Is all I needed. 
Happy Valentine's Day Mummy-Daddy. 🤗


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